Plan a field trip Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Field Trip Destination *Formal name and address of where you are going – helpful for those using GPSDate of the Trip *Day of week, date, start and end timesTrip Leader Name *FirstLastYour nameTrip Leader E-mail *Your e-mailTrip Leader Contact Telephone Number *Your home or cell phone numberCost *Free or cost of admissionMeetup Location and Time *Be specific, i.e., we will meet in the parking lot of Hunt’s Photo across from Holyoke Crossing, before entering the Holyoke Mall off of 91N. Be there for 8 AMLunch *Let them know if they should bring their own or if there will be a place to purchase lunchDetails *Describe the trip in a few sentences. Let them know what they will see. Provide a link to the web site if there is one, indicate how much walking and/or any difficulty or any other special circumstances they should know of. Sell your trip! Let them know it will be fun and you want them to come alongCommentSubmit